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  1. 关于面具的英语警句?
  2. Halloween是什么意思?


关于这个问题,1. "The mask you wear will eventually reveal the true you."

2. "Hiding behind a mask only prolongs the inevitable truth."


3. "A mask may hide your face, but it cannot conceal your actions."

4. "Don't let the mask you wear become the person you are."

5. "The true test of character is what you do when no one is wearing a mask."


6. "In the end, the mask always falls off."

7. "A mask may hide your emotions, but it cannot mask your true intentions."

8. "The most dangerous masks are those that we wear to deceive ourselves."


9. "The mask of deception always falls in the face of truth."

10. "A mask may hide your identity, but it cannot hide your flaws."

1 有句警句是“Behind every mask there is a face, and behind that a story.”(每个面具背后都有一个面孔,面孔背后又有一个故事。
)2 这句警句传达了面具并不代表真实,在我们面对外界时常常选择掩盖自己的真实面貌,但我们的生命真实故事却无法被遮盖。
3 这个警句提醒我们,要敢于真实面对自己,不要将自己关在面具之中,更不要轻易相信别人的面具。


Halloween[英][ˌhæləʊˈi:n][美][ˌhæloˈin]n.万圣节前夕; [电影]万圣节9; 例句:

1.Children who amassed stockpiles of halloween candy last month most likely netted impressive loot from just one company. 上个月,万圣节上“洗劫”邻居的孩子们收获了成堆的糖果,这些战利品很可能来自同一家公司

2.During the company's first halloween, its suppliers were selling scanty holiday outfits. 公司第一个万圣节期间,供应商提供的节日服装并不多。


标签: 面具 英语 警句